This isn't the first EV charging station in outer Moscow area, nor is it by any means the last. The new Eka station located on Moscow's fast Ring Road (MKAD-26km) is special for another reason. It's the first petrol station to include rapid charging EV infrastructure and thus offers a credible way forward to improving Moscow's environmental situation.
The charging terminal is built by the French company DBT under licence from Nissan whilst the EV smart charging network infrastructure is supplied by Russian firm Revolta. The terminal can operate in two modes, standard which powers up to 43kW and fast which powers up to 50kW and offers a charging time of just 20 minutes.
Our contribution extends to conceiving an environmentally sound, forward-looking design solution for the forecourt, carwash and c-store shop. The forecourt in particular warrants closer inspection as it incorporates a recycling area for customers to dispose of plastic, glass and paper waste. Recycling is evidently less popular in Russia compared to other countries, particularly Germany, but it is hoped Eka’s initiative will make the act of recycling a more common practice.
Eka is taking energy conservation seriously too. LEDs supplied by Korean firm Photon-L are incorporated throughout for exterior and interior lighting. Total power consumption for lighting the 3000m2 area is just 3.5 kW and five times more energy efficient than any fluorescent equivalent.
The design is catching on and plans are already underway to expand the network with construction in Domodedovo and Krasnogorsk areas of Moscow. Overall cost of the project is in the region of 2.5-3 million rubles with a pay-off in 6 to 8 years.