An edgy cover design was required for a myth-busting book about formula breast milk but we had to be sure not to convey the visual point of interest too provocatively and have it backfire on Crimson’s reputation as upcoming publisher of non-fiction titles spanning business, careers, travel and parenting.
“Dear designer, kindly refrain from showing the nipple.
The book’s target readership is not interested in titillation.”
As briefs go, this one was a paradox, requiring sensitive interpretation and a bold design, on the right side of political correctness but not overly formulaic.
The cover design hints at a controversial subject area without becoming the centre of the controversy. It walks a tight rope and finds a degree of safety with a type on a path solution.
This is our fifth book cover design for Crimson Publishers. Other titles include Secret of My Success, the Noughties, Resilience and How to Spot a Liar.