Latest 3D and interior design news
Minale Tattersfield has created the branding and interior design for Fed by Water, a new experience that is a blend of Mediterranean and Italian foods with an East London slant and a unique take on…
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With an integrated approach to interior space we combine 3D, 2D and digital thinking to create spaces where people feel engaged and can connect with the brand. Take a look at our interior knowledge to find out how our integrated design skills and dedicated service adds value.
Minale Tattersfield has created the branding and interior design for Fed by Water, a new experience that is a blend of Mediterranean and Italian foods with an East London slant and a unique take on…
Interior design is the creation of space where brands are at their most tangible and real. From one-off bespoke to commercial roll out, we have the interior knowledge to design spaces that work and…
Elki Palki was created in 1996 by Russian celebrity chef Arkady Novikov to become the first modestly priced restaurant based upon traditional Russian…
London, despite its credit crunch and years of austerity, is still one of the major capitals for design, fashion, art and food excellence and…
L'identità del marchio "Me" fa uso di colori vivaci per creare una comunicazione istantanea nei luoghi più affollati, come i negozi esclusivi e gli…
Minale Tattersfield’s first milestone achievement for Lukoil came in 1999 after advising against the use of the black oil drop which spoke only…
The main theme developed from the brand proposition was to bring out and express the individual beauty of every woman. A 35 metre long catwalk running…
Founded in 1953 as a sugar beet cooperative bank, Şekerbank has forged a niche as a people’s bank with a focus on the community and the small and…
The Artoil brand was created collaboratively with owners Ilona and Rishat Safin to be equally credible for technology products, such as fuel and car…
In 2007, we were invited to take part in an interior and interpretive design project for the National Horseracing Museum in Newmarket.
The project’s aims were to redevelop the museum displays, increase visitor numbers and deliver a major attraction for the 2015 Rugby World Cup.
We have been involved in a number of projects to adapt the Wild Bean Cafe retail outlet offer to other locations away from the forecourt.