INFLUX more than a documentary
Minale Tattersfield has created the brand and campaign for a new documentary by Luca Vullo that reveals ‘the pulse’ of Italy and Italians, through the perspective of both established and newly-arrived immigrants in London. From the perspective of a cosmopolitan and thriving London, we were best placed to observe and capture the ‘interesting times’ that Italy (and the rest of the Eurozone) is now going through.
The objective was to create a verbal and visual identity that could communicate the essence of the documentary and build recognition and followers up to and beyond its first screening at Cannes Film Festival in spring 2015. The identity and campaign needed to work across multiple channels (digital and print) and engage with all its audiences, both British, Italian and International.
INFLUX was chosen as the documentary’s title for being a short, powerful word, easy to remember and understand in both English and Italian. It was also felt, that it had the potential to represent a ‘collective movement’ or even a ‘public manifesto’. It was direct and clearly made no excuses about the subject matter: the arrival of people in large numbers, ‘an influx of people’, which could be interpreted as both a negative and a positive, depending on the persons point of view. It basically was indicative of the current political and social climate effecting the Eurozone; a state of things which are in flux, meaning a time when things are kind of up in the air and could go either way, better still, a time of great change!
Be a real fan!
A campaign was then built around the ‘big idea’ of ‘being a real fan’ and to ‘inspire' more by getting involved and up close. The initial stage was to launch the 'brand' and documentary campaign to raise funding for post production, through Indigogo’s crowd funding page. The target was £20,000 with a time limit of 2 months, starting in November 3, 2014 and finishing in January 3, 2015.
The campaign was coordinated to fit around and interact with Luca Vullo’s PR activity, were he appeared on several TV and Radio shows presenting his vision for the documentary and what significance it had in capturing a snap shot of today’s exodus of young people from Italy.
The branded assets Minale Tattersfield created for the project to date included:
1. Visual and verbal identity (INFLUX)
2. The INFLUX Look and feel and tone of voice
3. Crowd funding campaign assets
5. Website look and content
6. Social media content
The result
The objective of creating a convincing narrative around the documentary’s theme as well as achieving the £20,000 target from crowd funding was achieved with-in the tight timeframe of just 8 weeks. The documentary’s social followers on Google had also grown from zero to just under 2000 in less than 2 months, with interest from new interested partners and sponsors growing on a weekly bases
With the funding secured through crowd funding, the documentary has now started its next phase of post-production. Minale Tattersfield's involvement is to carry on with developing and building brand awareness further upto INFLUX's inaugural screening at Cannes in spring 2015.
Check out the progress by following Influx’s facebook page and website.