Hackney Aquatics Club or HAC is the new incarnation of what was formerly the Clissold Swimming Club, a longstanding local amenity providing water sports training and events for the nearby community. A new name and logo was required to mark the change. Local resident and sports enthusiast Marcello Minale volunteered to take on the project to create an updated image for this popular club where his children swim.
Unmissable HAC
A key requirement was to be able to identify club squad members at competitions and swimming galas, where swimming cap colour is the main means of telling competitors apart. For this pro bono project, the equivalent of an abstract swoosh was applied to team swimming caps and t-shirts, creating a cool, highly recognisable look in both black & white and colour.
A website is under development where the elements of the HAC logo help people navigate the site.
More than just a club
As a club run and funded by its members, everyone wanted a say in how to take things forward. Eventually the membership committee agreed on the name HAC, as the club offers diving and water polo in addition to swimming. The accompanying logo had to be applicable to the range of water sports available and appeal to diverse types of members, including children, teenagers and seniors, as well as recreational users and committed athletes, no easy task.
Local pride
There has been enthusiastic acceptance of the new identity from everyone. Membership numbers have even increased. The main benefit is that everybody at Swimming galas can instantly recognise the HAC swimmers. In turn this has contributed in developing a sense of community and huge pride in the club.
Hackney was one of host boroughs for the London 2012 Olympics and HAC is keen to keep going the enthusiasm for sports sparked by the Games.